Understanding HRT
Understanding HRT, a clear and understandable talk from a specialist women’s health GP, Dr Isabel Welch.
When: Friday 2 February 2024, 7.30 – 9.30pm
Where: Chipping Norton Town Hall
Cost: £12 per ticket
With so many confusing messages around HRT, it is difficult to know if it is safe or effective for you. Our talk will clear up these uncertainties, giving you the information you need to make choices that will support you through peri-menopause and menopause.
There will be time for questions and answers after the talk so you can make sure your concerns are addressed.
We are aiming to fill Chipping Norton Town Hall so that we can share high-quality information as widely as possible.
Plus we are giving 10% of our proceeds to local charity Thrive Northox, so please do come along to support, and feel free to share details with friends and family.